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‎ Pixel Journey


The Pixel ItineraryThe Pixel Itinerary - Season One

Foundations / General Roadmap

So, what exactly is this Pixel Journey? It's a project where crypto education is at the heart of everything we do. Our main focus is to create a Journey through the NFT landscape, starting out from Wax and venturing out to learn about all of the interconnected Web3 space. Our goal is to create tangible and achievable milestones, learn about great tools along the way and just make incredible things happen by working together. So are you ready for an adventure like no other?

Here's a quick overview of our basic current roadmap:

1. PXJ Token Launch: We'll kick things off by launching our PXJ token on the Wax network, initiate liquidity pools with various token pairs across the ecosystem from Alcor and TacoSwap.

2. PXJ Liquidity Pool Rewards: 20(-25)% of our Season 1 PXJ token allocation will be added to LP and staking rewards across Alcor, TacoSwap and Pepperstake.

3. Partnerships and Community Growth: Months will be dedicated to forming partnerships, organizing events, and expanding our community.

4. PFP Collection: Our collection of 10000 Pixal Profile Pictures (PFP) in the beginning of 2024, named Pixals will open up new optional paths to be taken in our Pixel Journey/economy.

5. Pixel Recycling: We'll allow burning up to 80% of the PFPs to release their pixels via PixelPacks, which will be recycled into other collectibles using the Neftyblocks blends and NFThive crafts.

6. Pixel Upgrading and Combining: Through blending contracts, we'll enable the upgrading of single pixels and combining them to create more advanced collectibles, or higher upgraded versions of other PJ assets.

7. Airdrop and Collectibles: We'll airdrop rocks and pets based on random traits from the PFP drop sales. Other Pixel blenders and collectors will also have the opportunity to obtain them via Pixel crafting.

8. Collectibles Staking: We'll create staking mechanisms for our collectibles to produce our PXJ token, up to certain shares of the ~20% Season 1 PXJ allocation dedicated towards NFT rewards (subject to voting by the WaxRocks/PixelDAO)

9. WaxRocks Council: We'll establish our Council, an influential advisory community board consisting of a up to a few hundred potential users. They will participate in voting on community decisions.

10. Next Drop/Blending Event: By the end of '24, we'll conduct a drop or blending event featuring a decorative collectible that requires a PFP, individual pixels, and a third ingredient purchasable with our token.

11. dApp Utility and Upgrade: In the spring of '25 we'll reveal a planned dApp utility and an upgrade opportunity for the first season of assets, which will bind the entire project together and pave the way for future expansion.

12. Season 2 and dApp Expansion: We'll kick off Season 2 of our PFPs with new art traits in early '25 while preparing to reveal our further plans for the routes through the Polygon/Ethereum ecosystems.

Our approach to achieving these milestones is through careful project design at every layer, as well as thorough planning and active balancing of the projects burn/faucet mechanics to ensure we can maintain stability and sustainability.

We believe that by working together, we can overcome any challenges and contribute to a healthier Web3 scene. Education is crucial to absolutely everybody entering into this Wax/crypto space, so let's try help everybody starting on this shared journey with all the knowledge and support that we can. And collectively make collecting JPEGs, NFTs and crypto a little greater again!

How it assets

Season One Stats & GoalsSeason One (Year One) - Stats

First PFP-drop / Single Pixel Packs / Pixel Upgrade Blends

Pixal PFPs


Our initial PFP drop will start with 10.000 assets to be minted starting from early '24. No whitelists, no limitations, no pre-sales, and no time limitations on the drop. Here'll have a link to the drop (soon).

Pixals Burned

As users decide to recycle their Pixal PFPs into PixelPacks, the supply of the PFPs will gradually reduce from the inital 10k down to a unpacking limit of 80%. So a total of 8000 PixelPacks will be available from the PFP burning mechanics. Find our Neftyblock blends here (soon).

Single Pixels per PixelPack


Initially PixelPacks from the burning mechanic will contain 10 random RGB(+) pixels each, however later edition packs from other sources may contain less/more as we progress forward. According to community sentiment and pixel-economic balancing.

Wax Sale funds dedicated $PXJ liquidity


We'll dedicate an approximated 12.5% of the initial sales earnings towards providing liquidity in our LP pools & boosting our $PXJ holder airdrop rewards.

WaxRocks Mechanics & Max Mints


A maximum of 400 WaxRocks will be made available via different sources. The first source will be via the random generation of the WaxRocks traits on our PFP drop, and later sources will include NeftyBlocks blending or as an opportunity via our TacoSwap NFT staking rewards/Pixel-Rewards-Pools, for extra lucky participants. Find our WaxRocks introduction.

Pixel Pets Mechanics & Max Mints


Another trait distributed schema/series will be our PixelPets. These pets will function in similar ways to our Single Pixels blends, where pets will be craftable/upgradable via various NeftyBlocks or NFTHive crafting recepies. More information to come on this later, as well as the planned "mini-game utility" where the pets will find their time to shine.

Season One Asset Holders


Here we'll keep track of an estimated number of our holders/participants from season to season.

Value (re)distributed to holders


Approximately 50% of secondary sale project earnings will be re-distributed to holders, or used to strenghten the community contribution scenes. More details on this in our Docs.

P(ixel)artnered Projects


Partners and collaborations are very important to both the Pixel Journey we plan to share with everybody joining along. More information on the upsides for all taking part in the journey can be found on Discord! Create a ticket on our Discord to learn more..

Surprises Planned

Aspects of this project have been in preparation and underway for soon a whole decade, so there's a few backup plans and surprises all along the way. Let's make NFTs great again! Join us on Discord.

Project Art (work in progress)

Season One (Year One) - Art Season One (Year One) - Art

Collectibles Crafting & Blends

WaxRocks Rock

The WaxRocks CouncilThe WaxRocks Council

Beginnings of the PixelDAO / Staking Incentives

The WaxRocks council will be the first/highest level to the planned community-governance mechanics, which we'll aim to build further out into a full PixelDAO as we progress and grow along our shared Pixel Journey.
With ~ 400 WaxRocks planned for Season 1, we'll allow for 0.1% of our PFP minters to have the chance to mint a variant of the WaxRocks. These trait-holders will gain access to special parts of our Discord where they'll take part in deciding the paths we take, as well as other perks such as a 10% XP boost on the Discords leveling system.
At a later phase of Season 1, the WaxRocks themselves will be airdropped to holders of the trait PFPs.

The WaxRocks council will also gain access to monthly votes towards the control of a 25% share of the creator market earning fees, which they can choose to put to use for boosting various aspects of our journey.

These options would all be open for discussion within the council-lounges, however examples for their uses could be:

  • Wax airdrop rewards for the Discord Community
  • Wax airdrop rewards for certain trait holders
  • Wax rewards for promotional contests
  • A boost to other selected promotional efforts (ads, guides, streamers)
  • Added project liquidity in the LPs
  • Added TacoSwap LP reward boosts (optionally in Wax itself, or secondary tokens such as TACO or TLM)
  • Added Pixel-NFT-reward-pool rewards (optionally from a select voted project)
  • Rewards for special community-acknowledged contributions (or even the council members themselves)
  • And what other suggestions may be brought up / approved by the team ..

The WaxRock council will also have a large influence towards which other projects along the journeys we should be reaching out to, or streghtening our shared bonds with in various possible ways along the journey.

The Future is Ours to build

What comes next? Phase Four - and onwards

Bridging / Onboarding / Collaborations / dApp(s) / Season 2

We'll bridge our collectibles/PFPs, as well as tokens/dApps, across multiple NFT-enabled blockchains as we collectively explore what various parts of the larger crypto/Web3 ecosystem has to offer.
While most of the initial seasons Pixel economy will explore DeFi and NFT features on Wax; the first Pixel pioneers bridging over to new blockchains might find a few surprises as well.

We'll work towards boosting crypto-onboarding the best possibly by creating/curating guides, assisting and create a safe crypto learning space that everybody taking part of the journey can feel proud of contributing to. Once enough initial guides have been collected, our focus will shift more from preparing the best crypto-beginnings, to shilling and inviting the world to take part of the journey.

Collaborations will be sought out and welcomed into the Pixel Journey worlds as we explore the space together. Community/team-select projects and special assets may end up getting a role in the Pixel-economy.

Open a ticket, or reach out on our Discord if you're interested.

The first Season ends with the release of our first innovative planned dApp(s). A more detailed reveal of what we've got brewing will be released in early '25, however we can already tease that it'll be part of a social RPG webApp that should allow for displaying and granting "utility" for most assets created along the journey.
At which point a season-ending PFP craft will be offered, and a new season 2 will begin with new surprises planned.

Knowledge is Power

The Pixel Knowledge Bank (WIP) The Pixel Knowledge Bank

Guides / Links / Knowledge

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